P. 007 →
Formula E: Tokyo
Formula E is an electric racing series that takes place in very progressive cities. These races take place on the city streets, and engineers run test on the electric engines. They run these rigorous test so they can put this technology in cars for the general public. In this project deliverables were made to bring awareness to the upcoming race that happened in Tokyo.
Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet. Curabitur et nunc vehicula, fringilla nulla tincidunt, consectetur turpis. Sed sodales leo justo, ut aliquam ligula ullamcorper ut. Sed ultrices odio
vitae lorem finibus aliquam. Curabitur eu rutrum nulla. Etiam dapibus justo id facilisis ullamcorper.
Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet.